El progreso desenfrenado ha contribuido a la deshumanización de nuestras sociedades y a la pérdida de valores tan básicos como la intuición, la conciencia, la franqueza del momento presente y la identidad personal y colectiva. Las expectativas por conseguir determinados símbolos del progreso como garantes de felicidad han alejado al ser humano de los pilares de la humanidad.
Read MoreThis time, my end of the year ritual involves a poem written in the 12th Century by the Persian mystic and poet Attar of Nishapur, The Conference of Birds.
Read MoreThis is the English translation of the prologue of my first novel The Mansion at the South of Maple Street, published in Spanish in 2020
Read MoreÉste es el prólogo de mi primera novela: La Mansión al Sur de la Calle de los Arces publicada en 2020. Una obra de ficción inspirada en hechos reales
Read MoreMi familia me pidió que escribiera un obituario para recordar el lugar que ocupaba un gran amigo de la famlia. Cuando era pequeña, Juan solía viajar a Barcelona desde su nativa Guatemal y solía acomodarse en casa mis abuelos. Quiero compartir esta historia porque mis memorias de Juan están vinculadas con partes muy importantes de mi ser, mi vida como emigrante, mis raíces y mis ancestros.
Read MoreI originally wrote this text in Spanish when Juan, an important friend of my family, passed away during the Coronavirus lockdown, in Spring 2020. My family asked me to write an obituary to remember the place he had in our family. When I was a child, Juan used to travel from his hometown, Guatemala, to Barcelona and he used to stay with my grandparents. I am sharing this piece in my blog because my memories of Juan are linked to very important parts of my self, my life as an immigrant, my roots and my ancestors. The original Spanish version is available to read below the English text
Read MoreIn life we all want to be seen, felt and heard. There is nothing more discouraging than the feeling of having no voice. That there is no place for us to be seen, felt and heard. That there is no place for us to be who we are. To leave an imprint. Not because of our achievements. Because of our little contribution to this world which is the result of our self, our actions, our beliefs and our uniqueness.
Read MoreOur homes are witness of endless domestic rituals created by our imagination. They represent our worldview and how we share this space with ourselves and the rest of our household. Our homes are also the place in which we set our inner Self free, thanks to the intimacy that a home is able to provide. Likewise, our bodies are the homes of who we are. We feel, sense and interact with everything that is outside the boundary of our deepest intimacy through movement. How we move is a representation of who we are, it is a visualisation of our imagination and our way to feel and think about the world and everything around us.
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